Pure CSS Art: From Zero to Hero πŸ˜€

Pure CSS Art: From Zero to Hero πŸ˜€


2 min read

Read along to know my journey from minimal CSS knowledge to how CodePen.io picks up my pureCSS pen! ❀️

But first let me answer you a few questions!

What motivated me to make CSS arts? 😲

I learnt Javascript a few months back and got to know about the platform **Codepen.io**. This platform has amazing GUI with plenty of amazing artists making pens using different frameworks like CSS, SaSS, GSAP, SVGs, Flutter, React etc. I was motivated and wanted to make something similar. πŸš€

What were my resources to learn CSS? πŸ“‘

I learnt CSS from a few sources including **W3schools and [FreeCodeCamp](freecodecamp.org/learn/)**. For colour picking I used random Hex Color Picker websites that popped up in my search results. 🌈

What was my first ever Pure CSS CodePen? πŸ‘Ά

My first Codepen was a Hexagon shape!

Yes 😁 I started learning to make basic shapes with CSS including star, heart, circle, ellipse etc.

I used clip-path property as well as :before and :after pseudo elements. 🌸

Some of my basic Pure CSS CodePens πŸ¦‹

Some of the animated Pure CSS CodePens 🎞

I made these pens referring to other similar pens that I found on CodePen platform.

Used @keyframes concept mostly! πŸŽ₯

My Pure CSS Resume πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό

Made this and learnt various more things! Used :hover techniques to achieve various functionality of sections.

You can take a look at my pure CSS resume here below! πŸ‘‡

CSS Placard Series 🍁

To help beginners learn basic CSS concepts, I started a Pure CSS placard series on CodePen.

You can refer to the pens in this collection and teach yourself too! πŸ‘‡

Learn CSS Placards - a Collection by Chandrika Deb on CodePen A collection of placards to help you learn basic CSScodepen.io

The pen that was picked by CodePen! πŸ‘‘

I made a pure CSS cow, referring to a clipart png.

To my surprise, this pen was one among the Picked Pens at CodePen.

Hoping this article was of much help. Feel free for any queries or help. πŸ˜ƒ Chandrika Deb | Software Engineer Chandrika Deb is an incoming Software Developer, based in India, who loves learning new things and helping tech…chandrikadeb7.github.io

Thank you!