Work From Home

Work From Home

From the perspective of a software developer working from home almost since a year…

Photo by [Thought Catalog]( on [Unsplash]( by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Today, more than half of the world’s population are under house arrest. Google trends show that the word *quarantine, *has gained a huge popularity worldwide in the past 30 days and has crawled its way to be a consistent term in our daily conversation.

Be it a cranky 2-year old, an adventurous and energetic teenager, extroverted adults or a long in the tooth persons, yes our grandparents.

We are all highly affected by the term lockdown and are on the brink of continuously coping up with the remote work culture and, also to the concept of social distancing.

Photo by [Nelly Antoniadou]( on [Unsplash]( by Nelly Antoniadou on Unsplash

Well, in countries like India, the concept of Work from Home is certainly in its nascent stages and so is its abbreviation WFH which wasn’t familiar to all is now a well-known term.

With schools, universities, offices being shut down all of a sudden and forcing corporate employees to devote long office hours from home has been cumbersome. So is for the students who are now attending online classes which was never a part of their curriculum.

The key mantras that one should adopt to keep themselves highly motivated throughout this pandemic while working at home is one of the burning issues presently.

The first and foremost step is to make a plan

No, not a to-do-list but a well devised plan that would benefit you — your skillset, your mental health, and your family.

Now that you have an ample amount of time in hand at home, brainstorm and dig up those ideas that you buried and discarded long ago in the rush of citylife.

Yes, spend quality time with your kids, play video games with the young, play cards with the old, join that online course of maybe graphic designing that you always wished to do, be a mentor for some online workshop, experiment with a recipe, take a workout challenge motivation from YouTube, do that skincare routine, try the Netflix trial pack, learn to knit, play instruments or alas try your hands on a Medium story.

You will never run out of ideas once you start exploring and shove a little work pressure off your head.

Staying motivated is the key

Photo by [Emma Matthews Digital Content Production]( on [Unsplash]( by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”— Arthur Ashe

I wouldn’t disagree to the fact that a human being is synonymous to a social being.

He is born to socialize, to be in a community, move in herds, and to grow together in harmony unlike the concept of social distancing. The work-life balance has to be maintained while working at home.

In order to inculcate a diverse work ethic and to keep up with momentum is a tough feat to do without succumbing yourself to distractions, demotivation or draining yourself.

Don’t always isolate yourself thinking about the project deadline. Enjoy the freedom of flexibility and be a flexible employee in the eyes of your manager, or a flexible person in your family who does the dishes and plays with kids and works too.

Learn to adapt for better

Photo by [Sara Bakhshi]( on [Unsplash]( by Sara Bakhshi on Unsplash

The more you adapt to situations, the more you widen up your boundaries.

Nobody knows the extent of this lockdown, the impact of which has snatched the basics of millions and still counting. People who are bored for weeks of lockdown may have to experience it for months down the line, and the only solution is to adapt to the current situation in the best way possible.

There will be several adversaries waiting for each one of us out there, the only thing one can do is to gather the courage to face it with a happy mind.

Lastly, put your WFH mantra into action today!

Photo by [Brett Jordan]( on [Unsplash]( by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” — Anne Frank

Pledge yourself to be cheerful during this quarantine season today itself. There is no disease, calamity or any massive thing to desist you.

Pick up a challenge and complete it with a brave heart. ❤️

We are all in this together! 🙌

Photo by [Hanny Naibaho]( on [Unsplash]( by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

Hope you’re keeping up your balanced Work From Home life during this never-ending pandemic and remote work mode! For me, I’m just hoping to see my office this year! 🤞

Stay safe, and be vaccinated ASAP 💉

Make sure you 👏 this story if this motivated you 0.01% 😁 (max is 50 times) Chandrika Deb | Software Engineer Chandrika Deb is a Software Engineer at Amdocs, who loves learning new things and helping tech