This article is for all high school & university students, setting their footsteps in the tech world but are caught up in lockdown, thinking what to do next.
Happy reading!!
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
At the end of this article you will be:
aware of how to utilise your time effectively
familiar with a wide range of Do’s and Don’ts
and also, learn a bit from my mistakes!
So let’s get started..
1. Building Social Capital
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
So, what is Social Capital? — To put it up simply, social capital building is similar to networking with people in groups where you add value to them, and in return they add value to you.
Why is it important? — From finding the best resources, mentors, top internship offers, referrals and information about latest technology trends, social capital develops meaningful relationships with your like-minded connections that would foster your career development.
Do’s and Don’ts
Do make LinkedIn as the online platform for social capital building.
Do connect with people and industries where you aspire to be in future.
Do ask for advices and help from people currently working in those fields.
Do not invoke self-branding or self-promotion on the platform.
Do not proceed to take advice or ask for internship offers without doing a background study.
Do not be overwhelmed. Take your time and your community will grow!
Learning from my mistakes?
Over a couple of years on LinkedIn, now I have 1400+ connections, from whom I learn a lot everyday. Earlier I was a bit hesitant to send a connection request or to ask for a project help from someone.
But gradually I gained a lot of confidence and a wide perspective by following others and connecting to a large group of ambitious learners.
2. Upskilling
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash
What is upskilling? — In simple words, it means upgradation of you skill set. Be it learning a new programming language, or participating in a hackathon, this aspect will definitely boost your confidence!
How to start learning? — About 95% of the beginners have this question in their mind about what to learn and how to start. Well, if you follow the aspect of building social capital this decision won’t be tough. Otherwise, I would suggest you to follow your interests. The internet is packed with plenty of resources, be it learning Python, Flutter app development, graphic designing, or as simple as HTML/CSS.
Whatever your choice might be, start now as this is the ideal time to learn something new from scratch!
Do’s and Don’ts
Do learn a new programming language.
Do brush up your existing skills.
Do participate in at least one online hackathon.
Do not try to learn too many things that would be difficult to retain.
Do not explore things just because of peer pressure. Follow your own interests.
Do not rely on the classroom learning method. Perform a hands-on for sure.
Learning from my mistakes?
Being a non-computer student in high school, I was reluctant to code. Since my first semester in college, coding was something that didn’t excite me, even though I scored good and had knowledge about C, Java and Python.
I used to think summer coding and hackathons are way out of my league. But the sooner you understand, the better it is, that “The expert in anything was once a beginner”. So buckle up and explore more!.
3. Be self aware
Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash
What is self awareness? — For me, to be self aware is to truly know my limits and also the extent of my potentials. How far can I push myself to achieve something, is what I define self awareness to be.
Why is it important to be self aware? — Nobody knows you better than yourself. Your strengths, weaknesses, passion, interests, everything lies in you! You are the greatest critic of yourself. So in order to invest your time and effort strategically you must be self aware.
Self awareness is a key to self mastery!
Do’s and Don’ts
Do a honest checklist of your strengths and weaknesses.
Do focus on your weaknesses as well as keep polishing your strengths.
Do take a minute of your day for self-appreciation. This is of utmost importance to boost your determination and confidence.
Do not neglect your weaknesses. I repeat never!
Do not be easily swayed by others’ opinions about you. You are your best critic, as long as you are true to yourself.
Do not be presumptuous or overconfident about yourself. This will affect you negatively instead.
Learning from my mistakes?
In my high school days, I used to be one of the student in the top-notch batch (which had around 70–80 students of my city) of my JEE entrance (Indian engineering entrance examination) coaching centre. Everybody was excited about the outcome and used to think that I would be an IITian in a few months time. But I didn’t get any IIT or NIT. I wasn’t self aware of my potentials and was in a delusion.
But today when I look back, I think this doesn’t matter! Studying from a Tier 1 college and hyping about it is a wrong thing to do. Instead one should focus on his/her set of skills and continue amending their checklist of strengths and weaknesses.
4. Volunteer
Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash
What is it like to be a volunteer? — To work with various organisations, interact with like minded people and to learn more about how things actually work, sums up the purpose to be a volunteer.
Where should I start? — Pondering over the first aspect, LinkedIn is your best platform to search for such organisations. There are plenty of opportunities available to start from. This will immensely help you to be a better all-rounder individual overall.
Those who can do, do. Those who can do more, they volunteer!
Do’s and Don’ts
Do join any volunteer work in this quarantine.
Do maintain your professionality and be humble.
Do invest your time and energy in a smart way and exhibit a good teamwork.
Do not join any organisation just for perks or certificates.
Do not be restricted. Do communicate well.
Do not over commit yourself.
Learning from my mistakes?
Well, there is no such mistake that I have committed in this aspect. Currently, I’m volunteering for GirlScript Foundation as a Chapter Lead for my city Jamshedpur. I’m also volunteering as a Global Ambassador for WomenTech Network. Looking forward to learn a lot from these communities and to help every tech beginner I come across!
Hope this article motivated you to work on yourself in this free time! Feel free to reach out for any help. Chandrika Deb - Chapter Lead - GirlScript Foundation | LinkedIn View Chandrika Deb's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Chandrika has 8 jobs listed on…
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